Monday, January 11, 2010

Great Granddaughter of Tunku Abdul Rahman

This is a very good article from a younger generation and a great granddaughter of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
A very well expressed opinion of how all Malaysians should be treated.


Sharyn completed her Diploma in Advertising from Taylor's College, and then left motherland to pursue her BA degree majoring in Media Studies and Anthropology at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. While waiting for her graduation in May 08, she interned briefly at M&C Saatchi Wellington, a global advertising firm.. Upon returning to Malaysia, jobless and relieved of rent payments, Sharyn stumbled upon Wild Asia through The Star which sparked her interest to learn more about nature and environmental causes.. Armed with a communications background, Sharyn works on the Wild Asia website and editorial, translating geek terms into laymen language, easily accessed and understood by visitors regardless of their backgrounds, be it scientific, business, the arts or just plain interested.
By The Tunku's Great Granddaughter
This is a great piece. She has all the qualities of her great grandfather. Tunku has reason to be proud of her!

Tunku Abdul Rahman's great granddaughterSharyn Lisa Shufiyan, 24, Conservationist
Both my parents are Malay. My mum's heritage includes Chinese, Thai and Arab, while my dad is Minangkabau. Due to my skin colour, I am often mistaken for a Chinese.

I'm happy that I don't have the typical Malay look but I do get annoyed when people call me Ah Moi or ask me straight up "Are you Chinese or Malay"

Like, why does it matter? Before I used to answer "Malay" but now I'm trying to consciously answer Malaysian instead.

There's this incident from primary school that I remember till today. Someone told me that I will be called last during Judgement Day because I don't have a Muslim name. Of course, I was scared then but now that I'm older, I realise that a name is just a name. It doesn't define you as a good or bad person and there is definitely no such thing as a Muslim name. You can be named Rashid or Ali and still be a Christian.

I'e heard of the 1Malaysia concept, but I think we don't need to be told to be united. We've come such a long way that it should already be embedded in our hearts and minds that we are united. Unfortunately, you can still see racial discrimination and polarisation. There is still this ethno-centric view that the Malays are the dominant group and their rights must be protected, and non Malays are forever the outsiders.

For the concept to succeed, I think the government should stop with the race politics. It's tiring, really. We grew up with application forms asking us to tick our race.. We should stop painting a negative image of the other races, stop thinking about 'us' and 'them' and focus on 'we', 'our' and 'Malaysians'.

No one should be made uncomfortable in their own home. A dear Chinese friend of mine said to me once, "I don't feel patriotic because I am not made to feel like Malaysia is my home, and I don't feel an affinity to China because I have never lived there.

I know some baby Nyonya friends who can trace their lineage back hundreds of years. I'm a fourth generation Malaysian. If I am Bumiputra, why can't they be, too? Clearly I have issues with the term.

I think the main reason why we still can't achieve total unity is because of this 'Malay rights' concept. I'd rather 'Malay rights' be replaced by human rights. So unless we get rid of this Bumiputra status, or reform our views and policies on rights, we will never achieve unity.

For my merdeka wish, I'd like for Malaysians to have more voice, to be respected and heard. I wish that the government would uphold the true essence of parliamentary democracy.. I wish for the people to no longer fear and discriminate against each other, to see that we are one and the same.

I wish that Malaysia would truly live up to the tourism spin of Malaysia truly Asia. Malaysians to lead - whatever their ethnic background. Only ONE NATIONALITY MALAYSIAN. No Malays, No Chinese, No Indians - ONLY MALAYSIANS.. Choose whatever religion one is comfortable with.

Remember it was Dr M & UMNO who destroyed Tunku's Malaysia.


Monday, December 28, 2009

送 2009 迎 2010


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Made in Malaysia

That’s what happens when the Government concentrates too much on the Bumiputras. A `high-tech’ country with low-tech immigrants.

Made in Malaysia

Malaysia wishes to become a high-income country.

The following are true stories:

A Malaysian political leader had a heart surgery in Singapore. The operation was successful. During his recuperation period, the political leader would like to thank 3 skilful doctors, including an anesthesiologist.

He said: “Thanks to the Singaporean doctors..........”

“I'm sorry, Sir. I'm from Malaysia,” interrupted a doctor.

“Me too.”

“Me as well.”

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

A Malaysian company wanted to develop a new town abroad, it entrusted the project to a Singapore multinational company.

The first time when they met, the Singapore company sent a team of seven people, including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Architect and Chief Finance Executive. The meeting went smoothly. They relaxed and chatted.

The Malaysian company's Director said, “Durians from my hometown Kuala Pilah, Seremban taste the best. I'll treat you all next time when you come.”

“Really? What area in Kuala Pilah? I'm from Kuala Pilah, too!” said the Singapore company's Chief Executive Officer.

Next, one by one, the other six from the Singaporean team revealed their identities

“I'm from Malacca.”

“I'm from Kuala Kangsar, Perak.”

“I grew up in Segamat.”

“My hometown is...”

And all of them were actually “Made in Malaysia ”.

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There are countless similar stories around us. And there is always another story behind each story. Some were rejected by domestic universities while some were rejected by the government scholarship.

They couldn't get it even with 10 As while others got only 10 Bs. As leaving might be better than staying, they just went to a different world after crossing the bridge. There is a deep feeling for every story.

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According to the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) statistics, a total of about 785,000 Malaysians are currently working abroad and 44% of them are working in Singapore, while the rest are working in other countries, including Hong Kong, China, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. And two-thirds of them are professionals.

At the same time, most of the 2 million guest workers in Malaysia are from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, India and Vietnam. They are engaged in labour industry which does not require high educational background but just a little bit of brains. Low skill, low knowledge and of course, low wages.

Malaysia has become a country that exports brains while importing labours, resulting in a serious deficit in knowledge trade.

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The government started to call on talent backflow in 2000 by offering a variety of incentives, including tax concessions and other conditions.

It has been nearly 10 years of time but only 770 people responded, with an average of 80 talents return a year. The 770 people are just a small number of the total number of people working abroad.

However, many of the small group of people still choose to leave again even they have returned.

While many young people are not able to realise their dreams here and thus, they are packing and preparing to pursue their dreams in unfamiliar countries.

And they said that Malaysia wants to become a high-income country.

Thursday, September 24, 2009



@ 錢不是問題,問題是我沒有錢。

@ 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母。

@ 寧願相信世間有鬼,也不能相信男人的那張嘴!

@ 對流血一週仍然不死的動物千萬不能大意… 

@ 男人的謊言可以騙女人一夜,女人的謊言可以騙男人一生!

@ 女人無所謂正派,正派是因為受到的引誘不夠;

@ 男人無所謂忠誠,忠誠是因為背叛的籌碼太低…

@ 我和超人的唯一區別是:我把內褲穿在褲子裡面。

@ 我身在江湖,江湖卻沒有關於我的傳說…

@ 水至清則無魚,人至賤則無敵。

@ 喝醉了我誰也不服,我只要扶牆。

@ 避孕的效果:不成功,便成人。

@ 問世間情為何物?一物剋一物。

@ 生,容易。活,容易。生活不容易。

@ 一個人並不孤單,想一個人時才孤單。 

@ 我不是隨便的人,但隨便起來就不是人。

@ 騎白馬的不一定是王子,可能是唐僧;

@ 帶翅膀的不一定是天使,也可能是'鳥人'。

@ 流氓不可怕,就怕流氓有文化。

@ 水能載舟,亦能煮粥!

@ 聰明的女人對付男人,而笨女人對付女人。

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool Dinner


今天搞不清楚到底怎么了,整个人总是浑浑噩噩,无精打采,像离魂似的,让关心我的Ally担心我有心事。我本身倒是不在乎,因为我三不五时总会无缘无故地moody moody起来,就连我自己都懒得理我自己,所以咧~甭理我啦!

上Macro tutorial的时候,Ally突然约我今晚一起吃晚饭,说真的,moody moody的我是不大想出门见人,不过Ally难得而且还是第一次约我,我好歹也要赏赏脸吧?

傍晚7点时分,由于要等到8点才吃晚饭,所以我和Karen陪Ally逛逛pasar malam,让那家伙买些小吃先垫垫肚子,免得她胃痛啦!在我们刚买到珍珠奶茶的时候,不幸的事就发生了,看来挺晴朗的天竟然下起滂沱大雨来,搞到我们三人变成三只可怜的落汤鸡了!






这次的晚餐其实还有Tik Mun,Hui yee和Boon How,可惜没拍到他们咯!改次再约吧!!(^_^)

p/s:我的Blog并不一定只是copy and paste而已...

Monday, January 22, 2007




Sunday, January 21, 2007

廣東話諺語 / 香港三字經

人之初 - 口多多(童言無忌,口不擇言。)
笑騎騎 - 放毒蛇(笑裡藏刀也。)
馬照跑 - 女照搞(九七年之後,香港保留資本主義制度,五十年不變。)
舞照跳 - 雞照叫
知少少 - 扮代表(貪功認叻。)
冇幾耐 - 扮大袋(大袋是香港的粗俗語,意謂大人物也;此句是沙塵囂張咁解。)
牙斬斬 - 死得慘(禍從口出。)
眼眨眨 - 扮花旦(雖無過犯,面目可憎之輩。)
聲大大 - 冇貨賣(言過其實。)
眼大大 - 易學壞(青春少艾,容易誤入歧途。)
周身郁 - 扮忙碌(郁者,動也;講多過做。)
眼濕濕 - 扮憂鬱(貓哭老鼠。)
嘴藐藐 - 打得少(口花花,撩是鬥非。)
靜雞雞 - 認低威(衰衰地*低,認錯也。)
有早知 - 冇乞兒(世事難料。)
晨早知 - 中三T(三T,香港最多獎金的賽馬彩池。)
擔 仔 - 霸頭位(驚死執輸。)
一張票 - 睇到笑(香港三級色情電影戲院買一張票可以整天任看。)
好好好 - 睇唔到(敷衍了事。)
繞埋手 - 晨早走(練精學懶。)
有得振 - 冇得0訓(大禍臨頭。振,顫抖也。)
搞搞振 - 冇幫襯(搞事破壞份子。)
側側膊 - 唔多覺(得過且過,求求其其。)
搏大霧 - 唔使做(使讀作洗;混水摸魚。)
包二奶 - 實聽拉(香港人回大陸偷情十分危險。)
0焦多件 -  囉黎賤(自己囉黎衰。)
有姿勢 - 冇實際(虛有其表。)
有交易 - 靠實力(不靠偏門左道。)
七八九 - 飲到嘔(「七八九」是卡拉OK夜店的猜枚遊戲。)
硬骨頭 - 食地球(「地球」指中國六、七十年代生產的地球牌香煙。)
手頭緊 - 搵真銀(勤力搵錢。)
烏啄啄 - 任人將(做人糊塗,容易被人騙。)
淡淡定 - 有錢剩(凡事處變不驚;剩,音「靜」。)
失失慌 - 害街坊(小不忍則亂大謀。)
拿拿林 - 上瓊林(瓊林是香港一間著名夜總會。)
口旱旱 - 食咳糖(口水都無滴。)
有得賭 - 精神好(爛賭之輩。)
三缺一 - 慘過乞(麻雀術語。)
勝勝振 - 食夾根(忙中有錯。)
時運高 - 搏番鋪(掌握時機。)
煙KJ   - 0禁住搦(話事啤術語,贏面甚高。)
二仔底 - 冇得睇(「沙蟹」術語,輸多贏少。)
隨口up - 當祕笈(語不驚人誓不休。)
招乜積 - 中圍骰(高傲而好運。)
贏粒糖 - 輸間廠(十賭九輸。)
贏把遮 - 輸架車(前句另一個版本。)
面懵懵 - 當老馮(老馮,意謂奉旨也。)
細細兜 - 容易媾(初出茅廬少女,容易被騙,追求異性也。)
女人心 - 海底針(女人善變。)
無端端 - 簫吹鬈(莫名其妙。)
十八樓 - 自己友(街坊街里,守望相助。)
有竇口 - 早0的抖(安得廣廈千萬間。)
讀書少 - 俾人藐(學識低者,會被人看不起。)
面撞面 - 好面善(似曾相識。)
頭0岳0岳- 四圍度(無聊發悶。)
爛撻撻 - 唔負責(無恥之徒。)
冇晒計 - 發Long禮(意思不按常理做事,全句是趕狗入窮巷也。)
咖喱啡 - 扮阿姐(泥鯭充石斑。)
頻頻撲 - 冇聯絡(貴人善忘。)
姿姿整 - 有環境(露出馬腳。)
咁人齊 - 等發圍(同心協力。)
趁佢病 - 囉佢命(趕盡殺絕。)
出黎威 - 識搶咪(要懂得爭取機會。)
唔想衰 - 埋大堆(圍結就是力量。)
有異性 - 無人性(見色忘義。)
有殺錯 - 冇放過(寧枉莫縱也。)
有胸毛 - 出黎蒲(惡人形象。)
手毛長 - 性慾強(順口溜而已,無科學根據。)
聽唔明 - 扮純情(裝模作樣。)
懶癡纏 - 博可憐(做戲咁做。)
大笪地 - 食自己(大笪地,香港平民夜總會,擺檔者都是自食其力之人。)
做臭四 - 冇訂企(臭四,對不住朋友之徒,必無好下場。)
眼光光 - 等天光(失眠,滿懷心事。)
印印腳 - 等人約(無所事事。)
斷乜估 - 冇痛苦(難得糊塗。)
撚雀籠 - 遲早窮(敗家的形象。)
人工高 - 冇祕撈(祕撈,祕密地去做兼職也。)
唔夠班 - 執二攤(未夠斤兩。)
跟老頂 - 有得醒(老頂,大哥大之輩;醒,有好處是也。)
著草鞋 - 有排捱(著草,是黑語,即走路、遲難之意。)
走得快 - 好世界(童年時順口溜。)
走得摩 - 冇鼻哥(走得慢者,沒好下場。)
你老竇 - 大水牛(童年時罵人的順口溜。)
你老母 - 大風爐(也是童年時的罵人順口溜。)
大肚Dum - 冇良心(童年時順口溜。)
大恰細 - 俾屎餵(欺,讀「蝦」音。)
有Background - 冇困難(Background,人事背景也。)
有Quali - 大餐史(Quality指資歷聲望;餐史,英文字chance,機會也。)
NumberOne - 有紋身(NumberOne,大哥大之輩。)
「渣」Fit人 - 有疤痕(「渣」Fit,黑語,高級領導人。)
密響Call  - 冇甩拖(將勤補拙。)
手指指 - 扮FAN屎(扮熟絡狀,FAN屎,超級歌迷影迷。)
起大屋 - 靠表叔(表叔,中國大陸幹部之稱,此句意思是想在大陸發達,買田買地,非依靠高幹不可為也。)
學猜枚 - 溝表妹(猜牧,是燈紅酒綠場所的玩意,表妹指大陸女孩。)
十十0下 - 拉頭馬(十十0下,「十」即「霎」,香港人極為抵死之用語。意指一個人「霎」0下「霎」0下,表示一個人渾渾噩噩,此句意,傻人有傻福,胡里胡塗,無端端發財。)
中間界 - 騎喱怪(中間界指中間分界的髮型,騎喱怪,正字是「騎籬蟈」,意為形象標奇立異古怪出位之人。騎籬,是伏在籬笆上的意思;蟈,是一種墨綠色的蛙類動物。)
唔夠皮 - 無面俾(皮,即「皮費」,經營開支洗費。唔夠錢用時,甚麼人也不賣帳。)
二三線 - 好難變(二三線指不是主角的次級貨色。此句語是不好的東西很難會變好的。)
係咁易 - 戴撈屎(表示囂張,撈屎,勞力士金錶也。)
冇啦啦 - 整笪疤(笪的正寫應該是「*」;「疤」讀「啦」音。)
白白淨 - 冇性病(稱讚女孩子的美言。)
人嚇人 - 好易暈(廣東俗語云:人嚇人無藥醫。意思謂俾人嚇慘過俾鬼嚇。)
穩穩陣 - 做半份(安全第一,辦事不要博得盡。)
手頭緊 - 賣白粉(狗急跳牆,不擇手段,不理後果。)
吹吹水 - 唔抹嘴(吹水,口沫橫飛,愛吹牛皮。)
趁你病 - 撻你訂(撻定,是地產買賣術語,放棄交易之意,全句解乘人之危落井下石。)
唔用腦 - 等運到(批評那些靠好彩不靠辛勤?V力之輩。)
癲癲地 - 唔識死(不知天高地厚。)
賺快錢 - 炒孖展(孖展,高風險的投資方法,如同賭博,可以發大達,又可傾家蕩產。)
買藍籌 - 唔駛愁(藍籌,高質素股票。)
過大海 - 博好彩(大海,指澳門,香港人假期喜歡到澳門賭場搏殺。)
口水多 - 無尿屙(指喜歡發表偉論的人,香港俗語有云:口水多過茶,口水多到連尿也沒有,厲害可想而知。)
四圍酒 - 鬥疊友(疊友,墨幫背語。指人強馬壯。)
褲頭鬆 - 搏街鐘(街鐘,歡場術語,客人帶小姐外出為街鐘,小姐要有街鐘,多賺錢,那麼就不能惜身如玉。)
跑鐘仔 - 貼哥仔(鐘仔,亦是歡場術語,指應召女郎有客召喚,此句是指許多歡場女子,辛辛苦苦為了哥仔男友。)
當我流 - 拋浪頭(流,即假嘢,非真材實料,拋浪頭即靠吹牛皮,靠嚇。)
出黎混 - 無責任(指吊兒郎噹,不負責任之人。)
賣大包 - 任人抄(不計較得失。)
日本船 - 遲早完(「丸」日文解「號」,故此日本輪船多寫上「××丸」,「完」是「丸」的諧音。)